With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, here’s a great offer for February…
Dr Barbara Kubicka is including a FREE lip peel with all lip enhancement treatments.
Lip fillers are a great way of boosting the volume in your lips for a sexier smile, but at this time of year, the weather can make lips dry, cracked and sore.
A lip peel is a great way to tackle that, exfoliating the lips for a smoother, fresher appearance. This process also stimulates the production of new skin cells, so the benefit lasts.
Special Offer – FREE Lip Peel Treatment!
- Mention this offer when you book lip fillers with Dr Barbara Kubicka and you will receive a complimentary lip peel free of charge
- This offer is available until the end of February 2012
Call now or email us to arrange your consultation with Dr Barbara Kubicka.