Platelet Rich Plasma Treats Sporting Injuries


Platelet rich plasma, or PRP therapy, is a new medical technology with tremendous application and a great track record of success in treating many sporting injuries. 

Platelet Rich Plasma is a revolutionary new technology which utilises the body’s own healing power.

By taking a sample of the patient’s own blood and purifying it to extremely high concentrations of plasma, doctors are able to create a super-powerful healing agent which can then be injected  back into patients’ bodies to stimulate the healing process.

Millions of people participate in regular sports and activities to stay healthy and fit. However physical activity does raise a risk of musculoskeletal injuries of which 45% are soft tissue injuries (ligaments/tendons). The World Health Organisation has stated that musculoskeletal injuries are the most common cause of severe long term pain and physical disability.

Platelet Rich Plasma for Sporting Injuries

PRP offers potential healing for musculoskeletal injuries including:

  • Tendon injuries
  • Muscular strains/tears
  • Joint or other injuries

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for Tendons

Tendons are made of special cells called tenocytes, water and fibrous collagen proteins which make a strong durable structure that anchor to bone. Tendons can transfer great force and can therefore be injured if they are overused. If this occurs, micro tears start to form in the collagen.

Injured tendons heal by scarring. However, this affects their strength and increases the risk of re-injury. In addition, because tendons have poor blood supply, they tend to heal more slowly than other soft tissues and the process can be painful; with localised tenderness, swelling and impaired performance.

Traditional therapies do not address the inherently poor healing properties of tendons and can also have adverse side-effects. By comparison, PRP injections actually stimulate the inflammatory process which in turn will encourage the healing process. PRP focuses on restoring normal tissue composition while avoiding further degeneration.

PRP can be injected into:

  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Jumper’s knee
  • Achilles tendinosis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Hamstring tendons
  • Adductor tendons
  • Gluteal tendons

PRP for Muscle Strains / Tears

Platelet Rich Plasma injections can potentially accelerate muscle healing and reduce injury time due to the intense concentration of platelets which stimulate the healing process. PRP injections can be used for treating:

  • Hamstring problems
  • Calf muscle
  • Quadricep muscles

 Joint/Other Injuries

PRP has the potential to heal other injuries including:

  • Trochanteric bursitis
  • Knee medial collateral ligament (MCL) tears
  • Osteoarthritis in hips/knees

Contact Us

To find out whether platelet rich plasma therapy could help you, arrange a  private consultation with Dr Barbara Kubicka to discuss your requirements, please contact us on 0207 352 6803 or email