The Bath Project

Dr Barbara Kubicka is pioneering a new approach to bathing, with bath infusions to make bathing beautiful.

The Bath Project Book

by Dr Barbara Kubicka, Published 2019

The Bath Project – the Art and Science of Bathing by London’s leading aesthetic doctor, Dr Barbara Kubicka offers a detailed look at how to harness the extensive benefits of taking a bath.

The Art & Science of Bathing

  •  A guide through the cultural and traditional rituals of bathing from the Japanese Olsen and Russian Banya to the Moroccan Hammam.
  • Full of Dr Kubicka’s beautiful and inspiring images of all things bath related.
  • Combines scientific knowledge, expertise in the field and personal passion for education and self-care.
  • Bathing ritual addresses exactly what temperature, duration and in particular the time of the day to choose for specific benefits.
  • Proven to stimulate the immune system, a hot bath spiked with relaxing oils, mineral-heavy salts and detoxifying muds can soothe skin conditions, improve heart health, benefit sleep, calm inflammation and even balance menopausal hormone levels.
  • Find out how bathing can help with healing – including detoxification, relaxation, meditative benefits and even the improvement of skin quality.
  • Includes Dr Kubicka’s “Bath Remedies” – results based recipes that include salts, oils, herbal infusions, aromatherapy, organic acids and mineral clays for specific benefits.


Business Opportunities

Dr Kubicka is working with a number of interested parties including hotels and boutique establishments to provide uniquely blended bath infusions.

These are designed with bath baristas in mind but can also be used immediately by clients themselves.