Article: Kensington and Chelsea Today

Article: Kensington and Chelsea Today

Dr Barbara Kubicka features in the May edition of Kensington and Chelsea Today.  As a “rising star of aesthetic medicine”, with extensive experience in wrinkle injections, fillers and peels, Dr Kubicka is also known for developing her own treatments such...
Cosmetic Treatment in West London?

Cosmetic Treatment in West London?

If you’re based around the West London area and wondering where you can obtain cosmetic treatments, there are a number of clinics to choose from. Many of these offer a variety of treatments to reverse the effects of ageing and to address weight gain, including...
Correcting Lost Volume to Rejuvenate Appearance

Correcting Lost Volume to Rejuvenate Appearance

Effective anti-ageing results is a high priority for many patients who seek cosmetic treatments, wanting to slow, stop or reverse the signs of ageing. Treatments such as Botox wrinkle-relaxing injections and dermal fillers are very effective at tackling the lines,...
Vogue Magazine: Pit Work

Vogue Magazine: Pit Work

April 2012, Feature on Underarm Beauty Vogue Magazine explore the issue of underarms. As we start to peel off our winter layers, many of us reveal neglected skin. Vogue Article   Due to the harsh processes involved in hair removal (shaving or waxing for most of us)...
Botox Patients Getting Younger

Botox Patients Getting Younger

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Botox usage is up 10 percent among 20-29-year-olds in the past year.  So why are younger women (and men!) turning to the popular injection treatment? Botox has now been around for almost 20 years and the benefits...